
line confidence!

okay, sa supposes they can say more things. There were probably some poetic thoughts to be had on the subject of line confidence (and sa was pretty sure they had them), but sa's mostly lost track of precisely how they wanted to articulate them along with the need to do so at all
 such is life
 still, sa does want to produce something substantial, if only to make the page layout less lopsided

line confidence! Word confidence?
 it's just declaring, asserting … not confidence, but acceptance? Part of what deterred at first sa's willingness to discuss the topic they wanted to discuss was a quick Internet search of the term and the realisation that it likely refers to more than they thought; however, sa is at heart a poet, a practitioner of semantic alchemy, a silly (neutral silly) person who says words and imagines romance — why not boldly reimagine the term, ready to apply it to this very reimagining?

because that's kinda silly (evil silly)
 fun fact: sa dislikes use of the adverb "boldly", especially in self-description
 also, sa totally forgot what they were going to say about line confidence that second time. Blag entry complete and successful!


coming soon to the site are new things! Sa would like finally to create a page of Quotes, put together the first part of the easter egg hunt, perhaps start taking suggestions for DRY, and create more introspective Blag entries
 this week is particularly tumultuous for real-world sa because it represents a major halfway point for them. Ideally, they complete everything they wish to complete in the next few days, and can begin at last work on various projects. Sa hopes to remember their desire to solve the piles, video the fish, and draw the fights, among other things

of course, there are probably things sa needs to do associated with "real-world responsibilities" and whatnot in the coming weeks. Two things, really. Small deal! No biggie! Easy-peasy, or something



this is a hectic week! Recurring elements of sa's life are changing things up! Exclamation marks proliferate for no real reason, and they wouldn't need a reason anyway!
 sa also wants to see this page with more blocks present, especially with significant size differences apparent. Experimentation is fun! :3

.. oh dear. The awkward vertical separation is awkward vertical separation. Sa will come up with some solution or rationalisation later :P


foremost, this entry exists to allow sa to see how this format looks with multiple actual blobs of stuff floating around. Secondly, the opportunity to fill an entry with words allows sa to "think out loud" about other plans for this site, as well as for sa's Internet presence as a whole. They are willing to disclose their plans for a rather lackluster page full of "quotes", as well as a collection of short animations
 these animations will likely have to make their home elsewhere, however

as is typical with sa, their plans are vague and full of hope. For now, that is all that is needed of them! Probably


sa desires (vaguely) to keep some sort of space for the preservation of miscellaneous thoughts, as many do at some point in their lives. As such, today they have established their Blag, to be updated with unpredictable consistency. Sa is unsure of what exactly constitutes material appropriate for sharing with the greater Internet, but is relatively unconcerned with resolving this mystery at present
 for now, sa wishes to declare some "ground rules" for future updates of this Blag, so as to maintain as much consistency as possible:

that's about it. Happy March, to those who celebrate!
